It isn’t just about the SoftWash clean – it’s about the outstanding service experience!
Tyrone Bell was doing street curb painting when he learned about the innovation of SoftWashing. He founded this company, Cityview Services, in 2008 with the initial intent to focus on windows, but soon realized that his customers needed more than that. He also noticed there was a growing need for more involved exterior cleaning services in the Fort Smith, Arkansas area and that the SoftWash technique was the perfect solution.
Tyrone began this company with a passion for helping people avoid the typical pitfalls of hiring a service company. He believes every customer deserves the most outstanding SoftWash service experience ever and has never deviated from that mission. For over a decade, he has been educating the community and delivering proper cleaning care for high-end residential and commercial clients.
Tyrone is an enthusiastic, sociable and hardworking person who is passionate about helping individuals reach their life goals and dreams. He strongly agrees with Zig Ziglar’s famous quote that “You can have everything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
Today, Tyrone is a top consultant in the SoftWashing and cleaning industry and travels the country, learning how to better his business and better the lives of others. The team and systems he developed continue to carry on the mission, creating the gold standard for service companies in Northwest Arkansas.
Tyrone learned how to build relationships with clients and enjoys consulting with them to help provide a solution to their needs. In his free time, he enjoys sporting events, drumming, fine dining, snorkeling, attending movies, air traveling, and spending time with his family and friends, especially his two young sons.